Family Ties Wiki
Family Ties Wiki

Carrie Newman is a family friend of the Keatons' and the daughter of Julia Newman.


Carrie is the same age as Alex and has known him since they were little kids. For years she's had a crush on him, and he's felt intimidated by her. The identity of her father is unknown. Over the years, Carrie and Julia have usually stayed in Columbus for short periods of time in between their travels. At one point they lived next door to Victor's parole officer. Carrie and Julia have been all over the world, to places including Alaska, Russia, China, Tibet, and Brazil.

On the series[]

Julia and Carrie return to Columbus for good and stay with the Keatons until their new house is ready. Carrie is attracted to Alex, but Alex disapproves of her behavior, which he sees as unladylike. Carrie briefly dates Victor, who dances with her in the clubs, and then dances with her in the parks and streets after the clubs close. Then she goes on a very boring date with Alex, who takes her to bingo finals at the Senior Citizens' Home, then to the Immigration Center to watch new citizens being sworn in, and finally to a little kids' restaurant. Carrie walks out and leaves Alex at the restaurant. That night Alex apologizes to her, and the two dance together in the Keatons' kitchen.
