Jessica Foster is the manager of Dunn and Bradley, the biggest investment banking firm in Ohio. She has a passion for money that rivals that of Alex P. Keaton. She has no friends, nor does she want any. She hires Paul Corman to work at her firm. Paul gives Alex's resume to the hiring committee. During Alex's job interview, Ms. Foster asks Alex what sets him apart from all the other applicants with great resumes. Alex goes into a speech about his pure lust for money that is so inspiring, Ms. Foster fires Paul and gives Alex his job. She tells Alex to write her an analysis of the Dell merger before the end of the day. Alex's analysis is the best she's seen in months, but after he turns it in, he quits because he feels guilty about taking Paul's job. Ms. Foster scathingly calls Alex a "nice, sweet guy." Alex retorts that she has too many lamps in her office before he leaves.