Family Ties Wiki
Family Ties Wiki

Nick Moore is an environmental artist who becomes Mallory Keaton's longtime boyfriend starting with the Season 4 episode "Mr. Wrong". His catchphrase is "Hey!" He is portrayed by Scott Valentine.


Nick grew up in the bad part of town. Most of his childhood friends are losers or criminals.[12] His father, Joe Moore, wasn't a very involved parent. Once he took Nick to the Fish Shanty, but ignored him to get drunk with his buddies. The waiter had to drive Nick home. Joe walked out when Nick was eleven.[13] Nick has been in reform school[14] and was suspended at least once.[15] When he was in high school, he was told that he didn't belong there. [16] He dropped out after failing English.[17] He's an environmental artist who makes art out of trash. When he first appears, he has no day job.


Physical Description[]

Throughout the Series[]

Season 4[]

Nick and Mallory meet. He asks her out for the first time over the phone, and tells her he loves her on their first date.[18] After three weeks, Nick visits the Keaton house for the first time in Mr. Wrong. Steven, Elyse, and Alex immediately dislike Nick because of his rough appearance, his uncultured manner, and his lack of an education or a day job. Steven feels especially strongly about it and briefly bans Nick and Mallory from seeing each other. He soon relents and grudgingly allows them to continue dating.

In Mr. Right, Nick tries to act more like Alex in order to make Steven like him, which includes wearing a suit and working under Mr. Gleason at Gleason Brothers Shoes, first in the stock room and then as a salesman. Nick hates the job, and his attempts at making respectable conversation by droning on about shoes annoy the whole family, especially Mallory. In the end Nick quits the job and goes back to his old behavior.

In Art Lover, Victoria Hurstenberg becomes Nick's patron and gets his work in art galleries for the first time. However, this causes a temporary rift in Nick and Mallory's relationship because of all the time Nick spends at galleries, and because of Victoria's attraction to Nick.

Season 5[]

Nick needs a high school diploma in order to get a job as the teacher of a six-week art class for children at the Y, so he goes back to school to try to pass English again. With a lot of help from Alex P. Keaton, he manages to get a C-. He gets the job.[19] Later in the season, he narrowly escapes going to jail because he hasn't paid taxes in five years. Alex helps him finish his tax form.[20]

Season 6[]

Nick gets a job selling light bulbs over the phone.[21] He also becomes the janitor of Gamma Delta Gamma. He becomes an honorary sorority member and even gets elected 1987 Snow Queen, but all the time he spends with the sorority girls causes a temporary rift in his relationship with Mallory, who feels like he doesn't need her anymore.[22]

In early 1988, Alex gets Nick to mass-produce his sculpture "The Spirit of Columbus" in order to build a nest egg for himself and Mallory. Nick goes along with it for a while, but soon rebels and goes back to creating original sculptures.[23]

Nick teaches another six-week art class. When it's over, he decides to start his own art school.[24]

Season 7[]

In Nick's Best Friend, Nick takes over the care of his childhood dog Scrapper, but shortly afterwards Scrapper is hit by a car and killed. Andrew Keaton gives him a new puppy.




  • Originally slated to appear in only a single episode, the character of Nick quickly became a fan-favorite and subsequently stayed as a recurring character for the remainder of the show's run.
  • The character was so popular that NBC attempted to launch three different spin-off series with Nick as the main character Taking It Home, an untitled second series, and The Art of Being Nick, all of which failed to materialize for various reasons.
  • Nick's apartment is no more than a 13-minute walk from the Keaton family's house.[25]
  • His apartment number is 2D.[26]
  • Nick is a member of the Mr. Rogers Fan Club.[27]

