Family Ties Wiki
Family Ties Wiki

Rose Handelman is the adopted mother of Skippy Handelman.


Rose and Harry adopted Skippy from Elizabeth in March or April 1968. They stayed in touch with Elizabeth's family. Some years later they had Arlene. It's unknown if Arlene was adopted or not.

Rose spent years hiding the fact that Skippy was adopted. She keeps his adoption papers in her dresser drawer.

On the series[]

In Baby Boy Doe, Skippy finds his adoption papers in Rose's drawer. He goes to meet Elizabeth, but realizes that Harry and Rose are his real parents.

When Skippy starts attending Grant College, Rose writes him a letter of recommendation in an unsuccessful effort to help him get into a fraternity.[1]

Rose also appears in Basic Training at the party to see Skippy off before he joins the army.


Rose's last name is spelled Handleman in the end credits of both her episodes.
