Family Ties Wiki
Family Ties Wiki

"Stage Fright (a.k.a.) Video Jitters" is the twenty-first episode in the first season of the NBC family sitcom Family Ties. It originally aired on April 4, 1983, and is the twenty-first episode of the series overall.


Alex reluctantly preps Mallory for a high school television quiz show when he can't find anyone else to fill an empty spot on his team - but when the cameras are on, he's the one who freezes up.


Alex is in the finals of a quiz show at Steven's television station, his friend Ted comes up sick.  Alex needs a replacement, so he chooses Mallory to finish out the team.  However, this means he has to spend time teaching everything she'll need to know in order to compete.  Mallory benefits from the kindness of the judges.  The effort pays off in the end, to Alex's great surprise and relief.



Guest Starring[]

  • Deborah Foreman as Mary Catherine Robbins
  • Margaret Fitzgerald as Mary Bet McCallister
  • Kerry Noonan as Mary Margaret Dunne
  • Carlos Lacamara as Petey
  • Michael B. Moynahan as Grover Garver




  • Continuity error: Mallory is stated to be in tenth grade. Based on her stated ages and grades in other episodes, she should be in ninth grade.
  • Parts of this episode are used in a flashback in "A Word to the Wise".
  • During practice with Jennifer, Alex quotes Macbeth: "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, /
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, / And then is heard no more. It is a tale /
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing." - Act V, Scene 5.

